The End (of 2020) is Near!

God is hope. If you can’t find your joy, the Spirit will step in and help you to abound in hope. Let the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace....
Keep ReadingDomineering Leaders are antithetical to Gospel Leaders. Autocratic leadership centralizes authority in the leader. We describe autocratic leaders as arbitrary, dictatorial, domineering, tyrannical, all-powerful, bossy, driving, and monocratic. In short, it is a command and control style that is motivated by power and pride. Jesus demonstrated a different approach....
Bullies in the church empty others of their dignity and value. But Jesus empties himself for others....
2020 brought many conflicting emotions. 2021 doesn't change that, but I am determined to allow God's healing hand upon me so that I can serve him with honor....
God is hope. If you can’t find your joy, the Spirit will step in and help you to abound in hope. Let the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace....
John Calvin wrote an eerily relevant treatise more than 450 years ago about the church's need for reformation. He said, "those who preside in the Church ought to excel others, and shine by their example of a holier life." He repeatedly pointed to four sins of a church leader's life that needed reform: greed, pride, cruelty, and whoredom....
Encouragement is seen, heard, felt, and experienced by the other person. It can be done in excess and it demonstrates the gospel....
The gospel provides no room for a self-absorbed leader....
If you walk intimately with God, you will experience His love, and it will flow toward those you are leading. It will change you and them....
Leadership is complex. It is certainly "what you do," but oftentimes more importantly, "who you are." Don't miss the importance of emotional intelligence in your leadership. ...
Without a healthy self-awareness, leaders may fear rejection if others see their inadequacies. They limit their exposure to protect their fragile emotions. But church leaders don't have to be perfect. They will never be perfect and they don't need to pretend any longer. God needs broken leaders to point to the Suffering Savior....
Every church leader needs a coach and every leader needs to be coaching others....
Gospel Leader: Shepherding the Church Toward Jesus is a four-part seminar to train those who aspire to be a leader at any level, to lead with the gospel—the central message and means for leadership in the church....
Pastor TJ Tims, the Lead Pastor of Immanuel Nashville, interviewing Scott Thomas about a forthcoming book and an event for leader training. ...
Leaders get to die so others may be saved....
We need young leaders who are passionate about God and His work....
Christian leaders have the honor to watch over others’ lives while they watch their own lives. Christian leaders care for the flock of God best when they demonstrate both spiritual maturity and emotional intelligence. A leader’s IQ is essential, but EQ is arguably just as critical for effective leadership. ...
The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for the numerical growth of the body of Christ in a city and the continual corporate renewal and revival of the existing churches in a city....
Church leaders must pay careful attention to two things simultaneously: 1) their own life and, 2) their flock....
Paul urged Timothy to keep a close watch on his life and on his teaching. He told him not to ever let his guard down for the sake of himself and those he was leading. Church leadership is a spiritual war zone, and Gospel Leaders must come prepared with Christ's mind and the Spirit's power....
God is hope. If you can’t find your joy, the Spirit will step in and help you to abound in hope. Let the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace....
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