It's Time for a Leadership Change!
It’s time for a change in the way we lead the church. I’m not suggesting a new method, but rather, a return to biblical leadership: shepherding the church toward Jesus, the Head of the church. We have strayed, and it’s time to regain our lost ground.
Peter, a one-time brash, self-centered leader of the disciples, urged leaders, “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you” (1 Peter 5:2). God entrusted a portion of His flock to your care. Grasp that sobering concept. Your responsibility is to shepherd those who need you and are counting on you to lead them to the Chief Shepherd, Jesus. You don’t need to shepherd those people outside your oversight. Peter reminded us to focus on our flock, those among you.
When I was at Mars Hill Church, my local church position was, at one time, Global Pastor. I made fun of the pretentious title, even though I understood it meant influencing the church outside of Mars Hill, apparently to infinity and beyond. But my flock was every Acts 29 pastor. I could focus on their needs because I didn’t pine for that which God didn’t entrust to my oversight. You can honorably seek to multiply your flock but not at the expense of those God is calling you to faithfully shepherd.
The purpose of Gospel Leader is to call church leaders back to shepherding the local church in the spirit of their humble Savior. Humility demands that we, like Christ before us, sacrifice for the advancement of others at the expense of self. This is our willing and eager posture (c.f., 1 Peter 5:3). A Gospel Leader does not advance himself or herself at the expense of others. The days of narcissism and self-advancement are over! Let’s pronounce its death sentence once and for all.
I am calling church leaders to be examples to the flock in every aspect of their lives. The gospel of humility must dominate, for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). A proud leader is not a leader, but rather, a manipulator. Your holy calling is to shepherd the flock of God among you.
Will you be a leader who initiates the change we need in our churches?
Scott Thomas
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Christopher Austin Sep 8, 2020 @ 5:58 pm
“ A Gospel Leader does not advance himself or herself at the expense of others. The days of narcissism and self-advancement are over! Let’s pronounce its death sentence once and for all.”
Thank you,
Bivin Mathew Sep 8, 2020 @ 1:45 pm
Dan Steel Sep 8, 2020 @ 1:09 pm
Blessings on this venture