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Post Category: Gospel Leadership

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The Rise & Fall of an Autocratic Leader


Domineering Leaders are antithetical to Gospel Leaders. Autocratic leadership centralizes authority in the leader. We describe autocratic leaders as arbitrary, dictatorial, domineering, tyrannical, all-powerful, bossy, driving, and monocratic. In short, it is a command and control style that is motivated by power and pride. Jesus demonstrated a different approach....

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It's Time to Remove Unrepentant Bullies from Church Leadership

bullies b

Bullies in the church empty others of their dignity and value. But Jesus empties himself for others....

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Exclusive Gospel Leader Seminar

GL Seminar

Gospel Leader: Shepherding the Church Toward Jesus is a four-part seminar to train those who aspire to be a leader at any level, to lead with the gospel—the central message and means for leadership in the church....

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Where are the Young Leaders


We need young leaders who are passionate about God and His work....

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Watch the Flock

Romanian shepherd (1)

Church leaders must pay careful attention to two things simultaneously: 1) their own life and, 2) their flock....

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Watch Yourself


Paul urged Timothy to keep a close watch on his life and on his teaching. He told him not to ever let his guard down for the sake of himself and those he was leading. Church leadership is a spiritual war zone, and Gospel Leaders must come prepared with Christ's mind and the Spirit's power....

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